Comments on: Op-Ed: Starlink, Disruption, and the Future of Internet Regulation in Kenya Technology News, Startups, Reviews, Opinions Thu, 12 Sep 2024 16:13:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: princelySid Thu, 12 Sep 2024 16:13:45 +0000 I saw this mentioned on twitter and came here to see whether what was said there was true. It was. This is such a daft take I’m not even sure where to start. But let’s start on the one good, he says:
That is to say that the primary purpose of establishing licensing authorities is to align the venture for profit by any private actor with the benefits to the society within which the profiteer operates in

I like that. Though nothing is said about the benefit, or lack there off, Starlink brings to the society. It just jumps to solutions.

Let’s talk about those solutions. Both of which are not just daft but are lacking in facts:
1. There’s no such thing as Kenyan Orbital Space. It does not exist. While there is some debate about how far our airspace goes it’s generally accepted that it goes up to the Karman Line, at around 100kms above sea level. Space is open to everyone. So we can’t tax them that way.
2. This one is even dumber than the last one. If safcom is not bound by the same, why should starlink? Meanwhile blockchain? Are be back in the early 2020s when you could just put that word in front of anything to sound smart?

Now Mr Muriuki is a smart man I’m sure but he needed to ask who ever he got to do this writing for him to do a better job.
